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제목 Seek out a demo of the game called X-Hex
작성자 Allennib 작성일 2018-11-13
Regards. I`m looking for a demo of the game called X-Hex. The idea of the game is this. Field lozenge. On the fields set dots. Thanks to these points the field grows and becomes grand. At the moment when it begins to touch the opponent’s field. Tags begin move now to the enemy, then rearward. The winner is the one who conquers the entire field. Present bonuses, a call to an aircraft that randomly bombes the enemy’s fields and can hurt yours. Interesting toy. P.S. Thanks anyway You can reply to the mail: judbayneoranderson@gmail.com
수정 삭제 목록
Total 136, 1/14 Page
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
136 리치몬트코리아 채용공고( 현장경력 10년 내외) master 2024-04-18 47
135 MJC보석직업전문학교 주간구인소식 (제2024-3호) master 2024-04-09 61
134 MJC보석직업전문학교 주간구인소식 (제2024-2호) master 2024-02-28 130
133 MJC보석직업전문학교 주간구인소식 (제2024-1호) master 2024-01-24 207
132 MJC보석직업전문학교 급구인소식 (2024년) master 2024-01-24 144
131 MJC보석직업전문학교 주간구인소식 (제2023-12호) master 2023-12-28 159
130 MJC보석직업전문학교 주간구인소식 (제2023-11호) master 2023-12-08 122
129 MJC보석직업전문학교 주간구인소식 (제2023-10호) master 2023-10-27 179
128 MJC보석직업전문학교 주간구인소식 (제2023-9호) master 2023-09-22 175
127 MJC보석직업전문학교 주간구인소식 (제2023-8호) master 2023-08-22 192

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